Sat 04 Jan
******* best in west but we come from east ... special 1 hour is $50 ******* - 27
(Downey, Long Beach)
======= CLICK HERE ===== best massage in town ====== CLICK HERE ===== SUPER SEXY N BUSTY DDS ==95 - 26
(Long Beach, near all freeways)
💋 💋💋COME HUNGRY..... LEAVE HAPPY 💋 💋💋💋 HEAVY SHOOTER 💋💋💋💋 avail 24-7 💋 - 24
(Downey, Downey or OUTCALLS TO U, Long Beach)
💋★★★💋 Cute Blonde, Private, SEXY, Perfect Butt, DISCRETE, Body 2 Body NURU Massage 💋★★★💋 - 23
(Long Beach, Cypress Los Alamitos Cerritos Buena PK)
100% MORE CUTE NEW YOUNG GIRLS Massage Special $40 NOW OPEN LATE Till 10pm CALL 714-236-0077 - 21
(orange county)
@=========★ Petite Asian Masseuse ★ Nice Sexy Friendly ☎ 626-403-6666 - 24
(Pasadena, Glendale, Burbank,Arcadia,San Gabriel)
$10 OFF YOU ARE MY BABY! Try SEXY New Asian Girl Sweet Young Friendly eager to serve you...first Cl - 25
amazing skills *:* one of a kind beauty
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, City Location)
24 Hrs -- $$ Memorial Weekend $ Special w/a BUSTY 42EEE-24-36 EUROPEAN Hottie
(405 Fwy-close/Long Beach/SoBay)
Best prostate healing. Teacher Mila's back. Worth the drive! Come to Irvine..good energy! - 33
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Orange County my home . Upscale)
★ HOT ( EXOTIC SxY ~ CuT! ) ★ vErY OPeN mINdED NEW [HoT & K[!]NKy¡ - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos,Downey,Bellflower 91fwy)
GeT OuT Of ThE Ra!n & !NtO Me ★PReTTi PLaYmAtE : : YuMmI b@bE ★c U SOON ! - 19
(91-6O5-71Ofwys.INCALLS ONLY.cerr.norw.)
HoT💋 EXoTIC💋 top 9DiSCrEeT💄❤ 👄 BusTy44 AMaZON👅 VERS👠 👄 ❤ Beauty👠 ❤💄 👄 specialN💋W 💋 - - 25
(Long Beach, pacific coast highwa longbeach;atlantic)
COME CoOL Off an RELAX YOURSELF { 60$ to Go Wild } N€w HOTTI€ N Town {{ CoM€ CoOL DoWn 4 AwhiLe }} - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91/605/105 FWY)
🚺❌❌❌Ultimate Ebony Fantasy~The Sweetest #1Chocolate Girl on here↔🔄I travel😋💦💦💋 - 26
(Long Beach, Your Private Quaters🎂🍦)
Stressed? Need some relief? How about a 36DD B2B Sensual Massage Mutual Touch ToyPlay Fetish? - 23
(Long Beach, San Pedro In)
👑Mesmerizing Goddess👑 Sweet Petite Exxotic Playmate🎀 The Ultimate Companion💞Call Me - 19
(Long Beach, Downey💎605/105 Lakewood&Firestone;)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YoU'R3: :GOnNa: :¦:LoV3 My SPECIAL - 21
:://*.. Late Nights & Early Mornings ..//::* EXotiC BeaUty :://* 60 SpeciaLs *//::..* - 20
(Long Beach, artesia/fwy 91)
BRaND NeW To ARtesIA!! **~ Beautiful **~~ Extravagant **~~ Breathtaking Blonde **~~ - 20
*~BruNeTTe~ BoMBSheLL~*~ PAsSIONATE AnD EXoTiC !!! ! REAdY 4 PLaY !!!!!My REaL PICS!!! - 19
(Norw@lk / C3rritos / @rtesiA)
my loving touch will relax you
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, City Location)
@@@@ New New New Asian Girl Massage Grand OPENING Here!!!! 310-715-2788 - 28
(Long Beach, 18710 S NORMANDIE AVE #D, GARDENA CA)
💃👠👙INCALL OpeN LaTe NiGhT 3Am HoT SeXy AsIaN "Glendale. LA.BHills.Burbank.HWood. Dwntn" - 32
(Glendale.LA.BHills.Burbank.HWood.Dwntn, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
^^_____ _________^^ Asian Massage ^^_________ _______^^ 310-618-1937 ^^__________ _____^^ Gardena ^^ - 25
(Long Beach, Outcall OC LA IE)
body SLIDES 24/7 available indentpendent ALWAYS HERE specials** mixed girl - 27
(Orange County, all fwys)
Outcalls and incalls ready and available now ! - 22
(Long Beach, Longbeach San pedro torrance southbay)
🌹🌹🌹Independent TOPLESS Brazilian beauty with an unforgettable touch🌹🌹🌹outcall only - 24
(Downey, Downey, Lakewood,torrance outcall only, Long Beach)
HOT BLONDE Senusual body rub incall outcall Independent privite location - 29
(Long Beach, LONG BEACH orange county southbay)
💋❤️💋GREAT with FIRST TIMERS 💋❤️💋 FETISH friendly ❤️💋❤️ OPEN minded HEAVY SHOOTER 100% REAL - 24
(Bellflower, DOWNEY 🌺..or 🌺OUTCALLS to your place, Long Beach, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
███████ ████████ Enjoy your Life ▬▬▬▬▬ Magic Touch Bodywork Sweet Asian Girls ███████ ████████ - 23
(Long Beach, Long Beach/Cypress /Hawaiian /Seal Beach)
☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶►► ▬▬▬ Amazing Asian Exotic Bodywork Hottest Asian Girls ▬▬▬▬▬ ◄◄☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶☶ - 22
(Long Beach, Hawaiian G/Los Alamitos/Long Beach605Fwy)
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : INTIMATE PLEASURES : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - 29
------ B E S T ---- M A S S A G E ---- in huntington beach --- 49.99/HR - 26
(Huntington Beach 714 848 3740)
BACK from Holiday Stress NURU: $125★ NEW BLONDE JESSICA+ ELLE + BELLA+ TIFFANY+MIA★747-666-5157★ - 24
(Long Beach, Cypress)
A GIRL needs her V!t@minz! Super OPEN Colombian 💋💋 d!splay your MASTERPiece $100 speciall - - 21
(Downey, INCALL/OUTCALL, Long Beach)
(Long Beach, Gardena/Redondo B/Compton/Torrance)
BEST MASSAGE 🔴 ╠╣OT ╠╣OT ╠╣OT 🔴▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ 🔴 Young 🔴▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ 🔴 ASIAN GIRL🔴▐▐▐▐▐▐ 562--461--8888🔴 🔴 - 21
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Lakewood/Cerritos/Torrance /Downey/CA, Long Beach, Palm Springs, Palmdale)
NEW IN TOWN 😘! Sexy Mixed Colombian Beauty! 100% My Pics, No Rush, Pure Pleasure 💕💕😋 - 22
(Long Beach, Whittier / Norwalk/ surrounding areas)
❤ ❤ ~ * •♛• * ★ Every Mans Fantasy is... ★* ♛* ULTiMaTe Ebony SaTisFaCtIoN ★* •♛• *~ ❤ - 29
(Long Beach, Outcall ~Incall off 605)
80/HR( ****** ((((( Sexy hot German/Puerto rican )))) Are u ready for it? *** New Pix - 27
🀫🀰🀰🀫⧳⧳💚💚💚 405 HWY FROM 1 BLOCK 💚💚💚 NEW NEW NEW ASIAN 💖💙💜💖💛💖💛💙💜💖💛💜🀫🀰🀫⧳🀫🀰🀫 - 23
(Long Beach, 🌇🌇__Hawthorne / 310-272-0803__🌇🌇)
* NiCE R0UNd bOOtY * ((PeRFECT TiTS )) * PReTTY fACe * (( sLim WAist )) = Me * I'm ALL yOUrs bABy!!* - 19
(91 FWY. INCALLS cerritos/artesia AREA)
New! **{ BUSTY} ** { BIG BOOTY} ** CrisSyPoo VisitinG ** {New} Yes Im HeRe! - 24
(Orange County, COSTA MESA 405/55 NEWPORT BLVD)
new year special**SASHA is Baack!! with That pretty Smile and SEXY B(*)(*)TY to Drive yu WILD!! - 21
(Long Beach, 91 pioneer)
Latina 18 y/o real pic. flat rate. petite nice body. - 18
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, sgv)
~ KNOCK °*° OUT °*° CUTIE °* cHeCk Me OuT!!!!!SuNdAy SpEcIaLs - 19
(LAX/Manhattan B/Clver city/405)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In town)
🍆👅💦K 🅿LeaSeR❗You Deserve The Tightest😻 SMACK IT🖐 LICK IT👅 KISS IT💋 Young , Tight & H🅾rny - 21
([👅405 Fwy & Avalon💦Carson Incall Only], Carson, Downey, Long Beach)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(In your city)
DOWN 2 EARTH ♥ S.E.X.Y. & S.W.E.E.T ♥ #1 p.a.r.t.y _(80)_ TREAT_ - 21
(Long Beach, 405 IN/OUT • Gardena ~ Torrance ~ LA)
••••CHOCOLATE Booty!!! Sexy, 100%REAL, Specials!!~~~~ Call Now!! - 21
(Long Beach, Lakewood,Cerritos, Bellflower,91,605,405)
♥♥BRAZILLIAN BOOTY♥♥Sexy!! InCalls Now!! - 21
(Long Beach, Lakewood,Cerritos, Bellflower,91,605,405)
°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=WeTT=)) °(EBONY)+ - 21
☆ $60 Specials!!! ☆——————◆// SOFT & SWEET / ◆—————————☆ SM0KING H0TT ☆ —————————◆ $60 Specials!!!! ◆ - 24
(Long Beach, Artesia, Cerritos ___ 91 & Pioneer)
( 6O hOt inCaLL sPec!aLs ) ☑ GREAT SeViCe ☑ GREAT ATTiTuDe ☑ GREAT LooKz - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91/605freeways Incall)
$60 SPECTACULAR (( Come Keep Me WARM )) Juicy BOOTY ((Sexii CUBAN DoLL )) $$60 SPECTACULAR - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 91fwy)
101 9 NEW ★ HOT! ★ & SEXY ★ latina GIRL today-21 - 21
`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ LeT ME ★ BE YouR ★ SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'.¸ ★ - 24
(Long Beach, Norwalk/ Cerritos/ Artesia)
Hey GuYs GrEaT SpEciAL( 80 80 80 ) ExOtic HOT PLaY m aTe MaMaCiTa LooK ! ! !80 - 28
(Long Beach, (CITY DOWNEY)_ FWY 605 , 105 __)
♥ Adorable Face * Juicy lips & Hips * Super Sweet * Specials! ♥ - 19
(Long Beach incalls 405 fwy/local out)
❤ Available ❤ MiaMi B:L:O:N:D:E ❤ % REAL PHOTOS! - 19
(91 frwy Artesia// Norwalk// Cerritos)
((( $100 Incall ...SuPer CuTe + PeTiTe & CurvY +__ jApAnEsE & bLaCk = BarBie ))) - 23
🔵📼🔵📼📼📼🔵📼🔵๏人 ๏ H OT ¥OUNG Latina Asian💋 Filipina(๏人 ๏ OILY Bod¥2Bod¥(๏人 ๏ 🔵📼🔵📼📼📼 - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens)
* Sexy * Sensual * Busty * Blonde * Woman to Spoil YOU! - 38
(City of Long Beach, Downtown Long Beach.. W.Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, Orange, Orange County)
🔴⚫🔴⚫🔴▐ ➜➜➜▐ ☛ $40×1HR ☚▐ 5 Sexy Latinas 🔴⚫🔴⚫▐ 🎯🎯 NUDE 🎯🎯➜➜ $80 Special 2 Girls 🎟▐ ⚫🔴⚫🔴⚫⚫ - 23
(Carson, Long Beach, Torrance,carson,long beach,Lomita)
_________ 36F NATURAL BUSTY BABE ______ Carson/ Gardena Incall________ - 27
(Long Beach, carson/ gardena incall)
30 & 60 min THERAPEUTIC & SENSUAL Massage w/RELEASE for Men & Bi-Curious Woman (WLA )
(Incall - West LA)
$90 HOT - BODY ------ RUBS ----- BY ---95$$--SEXXY ------GIRL FULL body massage-100% beautiful play - 26
(Long Beach, MY PLACE 605 91 405 22 AL FWYS)
------ B E S T ---- M A S S A G E ---- in huntington beach --- 49.99/HR - 26
(Long Beach, Huntington Beach 714 848 3740)
============= 95 HOUR ========== BIG BUSTY 36DDs ============= SEXY BODY TO BODY MASSAGE ===== 95 == - 26
(City of Long Beach, Fullerton, Long Beach, my place, Orange County)
☏ (213)769-3727 ▃【➀】▃♡♥♡★10am TO 3 Am ✿•❀100% Hot Ladies ♡♥♡ ▃【➊】▃♡♥♡ Carson ▃【➀】▃ - 24
(Carson, Carson,Torrance,Long Beach,Los Angeles, Long Beach)
Fri 03 Jan
GRAND OPENING!!!!!! Table Shower Available Come and Relax with us..,, Special every day. - 27
(Long Beach, 800 W. CARSON ST TORRANCE CITY 90505)
HOT BLONDE Senusual body rub incall outcall Independent with double dds - 33
(Long Beach, LONG BEACH orange county southbay)
Oasis Spa - Sweet Busty & young Latina & Asian girls for rubs 562.860.7400 - 21
(11804 Centralia St Lakewood Ca. 90715, Long Beach)