Mon 06 Jan
(New)👯 fuN 2x ThE ✨PleASure🍆😻💦👅🍆 - 21
(Alantic/Firestone (Southgate incall), Bellflower, Long Beach)
Nak1d Body 2 Body ~ Choose YOUR Playmate ¥0UNG n HOT ☆ ❤ Guaranteed 2 Light Your Fuse ☆ ❤ REAL PIC - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens / Whittier)
★ 💋(๏人 ๏)_ HOT 18 YR ¥OUNG Tiffany - NEW GIRL 💋OILY Bod¥2Bod¥ PROS8 ☆😘☆ Always Avail - 18
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, PICO RIVERA - WHITTIER - BELL)
Get ready for sex in 10 min!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
Double Your Fun ***** Jessica & Savannah **** Independent and Discreet **** - 30
(your place (outcall only)
60 SpRiNg FLiNg Fr€AK ████ {CuBaN DoLL } wit JUicY BoOtY ███ $60 "APPROVED 4 GROWN Men " - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
60$)(Your * H o T *☆* Exotic *☆* Petite*☆ Creole Mixd VIXEN is BACK N TOWN )(☆ - 19
(Long Beach, off 405 fwy in CARSON InCall)
60 ♥ G o o d G i r l ------- B a d H a b i t s ------- H a p p y H o u r S p e c i a l - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia 91FwY NOW)
_420 friendly __ Exotic Asian an Puerto rican---- specials!!!___ up late lets play - 20
(Long Beach, norwalk,lakewood,artesia,gardena,lax)
60rose qk specials. With me UR possibilities are endless-!! 2 girl deals available - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
$60 Rainy Nite Detour •KILLER Body{{ Sexi CUBAN DoLL }} Big Juicy BOOTY!! $60 100% Super N@ughty - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
💞💞💝💗💖💕OPEN MINDED hot playmate 38ddd big booty ready now 40 special in call daddy lets get nas - 30
(Long Beach, commerce budget inn 💗off the 5 lbc sgv)
NeW PiCs .*¨¨*-:¦:-* Sunday .. Specials° .. All ღ° ..Night * ღ° .. - 22
(*iNCALL* Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos)
NO one does it better theN a Asian ask about my 60specail - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy 605fwy LB ,Artesia ,Norwalk Downey)
█ NEW PICS! ◆ STUNNING ◆Blue Eyed All American ◆ Flawless BRUNETTE █ - 22
(Long Beach, Carson/Willmington/San Pedro/Long Beach)
°★° °o© 1 {BIG*BUTT} °o© {BIG LIPs} °o© {BUSTY} °o© {EBONY } °o© °★° - 25
(Long Beach, Whittier,Norwalk,OC,Paramount,105-91-710)
NURU MASSAGE ▂▃▂▃▂▃▂▃▃▂▃▂▃▂▂ JAPANESE “ Amy ”▂▃▂▃▂▃▃▂▂▃▂▃▂▃▂ 100% PIC▂▃▃▂▃▃▂▂▃▂▃▂▃ - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, san pedro/carson/gardena)
(Long Beach, Norwalk.Artesia.Cerritos 91 close)
█▀▄▀██▀▄▀█ ►►►Chinese Outcall to You ---- HOT ASIAN GIRL to Long Beach█▀▄▀██▀▄▀█ ►►► - 25
(Long Beach, Chinese Outcall)
•-:¦:- CAN SHE •-:¦:-•♛• GET ANY •♛•-:¦:-• HOTTER??!!•- ¦:•Limited Time¦: - 24
(Long Beach, 605/91 Freeway)
😘😘😘😍Car fun only.!! Bubble Butt SPECIAL 😘😘🤑 - 22
(City of Long Beach, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Paramount Compton bellflower gardena)
BIG BOOTY Nice Lips & Skilled FingerTips~~~ 2 U - 24
(Long Beach, LBC,Torrance,Redon, Hermo, Manhattn)
»(¯`♛´¯)» B —! —G • B —oO—T—y (♥ SWeeT Ebony Cutie... ♥) BUSTY * PLAYMATE »(¯♛´¯) - 24
(Long Beach, 710,105,91 paramount,bellflower,norwalk)
(80(__EXOTIC * * Sexy * Super * HOT * Latina * Beauty * AVAILABLE NOW ! * __)80_) - 22
(Long Beach, /605/105...Norwalk*Downey*Lakewood)
80$ CINDY 80$ Latina BIG boobs BIG BOOTY very SEXY 💋GREAT review 💋 91fwy exit Pioneer - 26
(91 exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
60 let me domonate you 3237986761 PuErToRiCaN & bLaCk an IrIsH lets party 24/7 massage included - 20
(Long Beach, pico revera605lakewood105downey,norwalk)
4 _ EXCEPTIONAL &BomBSHeLL; .U PICK . ALWAYS , up All NiGht - LeT Me Satisfy You - (714)209 8023-21 - 21
(Long Beach, garden groeve /brookhurst st)
Naughty=== _ BRUNETTE Exotic Goddess PoRnStAr ___ ( AVAILABLE NOW) ____ 100% NON RUSH - 22
(incall only 605 105 5 60 91 710)
Naughty but Classy,, ur #1 Latina choice.. *Specials* 24/7* - 21
██████████████ MIXED COLLEGE ████████████ BoMBSHELL █████████████ 559-546-9529 ██████████████ - 19
(Long Beach, 605 fwy /Firestone /Pico Rivera/Whittier)
💓LOOK💓Don't Miss Out [LAST NIGHT IN TOWN] 100% Real & Ready Specials Call Now 💋😘sexy LATINA - 22
(405 freeway Lawndale Torrance redondo be, Bellflower, Long Beach)
☆ = ❥ HoT! 1OOOO% REAL! °★ ( NO GAMES! ) ABSoLUT BoMBSHLL° ♥ - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos / Norwalk / Artesia 91 FWY =))
GG SPA. iNVites U 2day to Enjoy DELICIOUS Friday 4 COLOMBIANAS Y PUERTO RICAN!! call 310.461.9610 - 23
(Long Beach, GG Relaxing Center CALL 310.461.9610)
—♥— [[ Hazel Eyes • JUICY BOOTY ]] ——♥— [[ WHITE LATINA BOMBSHELL ]] —♥—— [[ S P E C I A L S ]] —♥— - 22
(Long Beach, Lakewood / Artesia / Bellflower / Downey)
★ 💋 GRAND OPENING 2 Girl $40 Special(๏人 ๏ HOT ¥OUNG White Girl 💋 OILY Bod¥2Bod¥ ☆😘☆ OPEN LATE - 18
(Long Beach, Rosemead Blvd & Slauson Ave- PICO RIVERA)
(( $60 )) "Ready 2 get KINKY" :::: BIG BOOTY CuBaN :::: CERTIFIED Pro iN B3D (($60 )) SPECTACULAR - 23
(Long Beach, 91 Norwalk Longbeach Incall)
1OO.OO SPECIAL __ *-*-* (HAPPY HOUR )*-*-* *° -:¦:- **_ LATINA IM ReAl SOFI - - 35
(105-605 lakewood __________ firestone)
$100 SPECIALS___( N@uGhTY) ____E x O t I C ____H o T T i E - 21
(Los Angeles, LaX, Manhattan, El Segundo, Redondo)
Sun 05 Jan
▌Happy ▌★★★ ▌Birthday ▌★★★ ▌BRITTANY ▌$100★★★ ▌ ▌★★★ Specials - 21
(Long Beach, Long Beach,Lakewood,Bellflower,Cerritos)
..... ..... ... d E L i c i O u s ... .... .. ...... Y u m M y ...... ..... .... ... b R E a s T s! - 23
Beautiful, Mature, Sensual Companion - 65
(City of Long Beach, Greater Los Angeles & Orange County Area, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange, Orange County, Pasadena)
▓█ Best Choice █▓ Bellameri Day Spa Lovely Asian Masseuses ! - 23
(Long Beach, torrance / redondo beach / lomita)
👉BEST DAY🌹Pretty HOT 🍀LATINAS Girls WAITING for🍀 You Come PAPI 🌹SENSUAL Touch Sexy Curves 😘 - 24
(BELL HUNTINGTON PARK TELL (323)378.0840☎, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
___ [[ 1oO% ~ R€AL PiX]] — ♥ — [[TiNy WaiST BiG BooTY BLoNDE! ]] — ♥— [[♡HOTTiE♡]] ___ - 25
(Long Beach, Downey/Bell Gardens 710fwy)
❢✈♡✈LASt DAy, Cατch Whιlε Cαη❢ SεxγββW, 36DD, ΡυεrτoRιcαη→☎ 786-440-8992 ☎ LEAViNG SOoN✈♡✈❢ - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk-605&5Fwy/Hablo Espanol)
IvE Got All The CandY YoU NeeD★ BloNde PreTTy K!NK¥ ★iVe GoT a TreaT 4 YoU! SweeT* - 21
juicest girl intown Speacia EXPERiENCE& u pick, VERIFIED! & Reviewed!!! DONT miss out!!! AT HOLIDAY, - 21
(Long Beach, Lampson & Stanford)
BruNEttE BomShell *** ThiCk In All The RIghT PlaCeSS.. Call noW 4 GrAde a PuCcI - 21
(bellflower/your place)
*°*°*ThIcK blonde hazel eyes DDs big booty curvy sexy & FuLl Of sKiLls*°*°*
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, west covina/rosemead)
♥♛♥♛♥♛♥♛♥NEW SEXY n EXOTIC PHILIPPINA Hurry FUN FUN FUN In & Out Calls♥♛♥♛♥♛♥♛♥ - 23
(Downey, Long Beach, Downey, Norwalk, Paramount)
♥ [[NEW]] ♥ [[ SEXY BiG BooTY BUSTY ]] ♥[[ BRuNeTTe SPANISH MIX]] - 22
(long beach-redondo-carson-south bay)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ --[[ GORGEOUS LATINA BEAUTY ]] -- ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 42
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, lynwood)
— Free Table Shower — — ► ► ► ► MAGIC ASIAN LOVE / BODYRUB in Torrance — — Hot Chics— — - 30
(Long Beach, Gardena - Torrance - Hawthorne South Bay)
♡60....1Oo% ReAL —NEW——— ~SuPeR HoT && KiNKY~ ———NEW—— MiX * BoMBsHeLL 60——♡ - 20
(Long Beach, ARtesia.Cerritos.Norwalk.Incalls)
60 $ $ SPECIAL !!!NEW!!! MISS Mercedes BENDS!!! - 19
(Los Angeles, 91 @ 605 Pioneer Cerritos Downey Artesia)
===**== 60 SPECIALS ==**=== *MiXeD HoTTie* YoUr FaNtaSy GiRL * ChOOsE Me * - 23
(Long Beach, Fwy91&PIONEER;)
!$6O!!《 NєW iN ToWN!《 H0T LaTiNa & AsIAn》【 1o0% SATiSFACTiON$6O - 22
(Long Beach, 91FwY ArTeSiA NoRwAlK DoWnEY iNcAllS)
60*[NEW PIC] ❤• [NEW GIRL] ❤•60* [GorgeouS &] ❤ [MiXXED] ❤. [BUSTY]60* - 19
(Long Beach, Downey* Norwalk * Artesia * INCALLS)
":":":" 2 is better than 1 specials ::: available 24/7 in/outcalls - 21
(Long Beach, long beach/seal beach/marina del ray)
🌟5 StAr ExPeRiEnCe🌟 MixEd GoDDeSS🎀 2gIrL SpEciALs 🎀 ReAdy 2 PLeAse🌟NeW N tOwN🎀 lEtS pArTy🌟 - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy- Pioneer; Artesia Cerritos Norwalk)
(Long Beach, independent/I Have my own car)
((NEW PICS)) 50$ FRIDAY 50$$ FRIDAY **Great Reviews** CINDY Big BOOBs91 fwy exit Pioneer - 25
(Long Beach, lakewood cerrtios long beach artesia)
❤❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ LAST DAY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ Sophisticated_ BLoNDE _BOMB SHELL _ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ X RATED FUN❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 20
(Long Beach, Norwalk/ Downey 605 incalls ♥)
♥✘♥✘ EXOTIC LATINA BARBIE ♥✘♥✘8(0) SPECIALS★✘★✘ (626) 228-6848 ★✘★✘ DOWNEY/ 5 fwy ツ♥ツ♥ツ♥ - 21
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/Montebello/Norwalk/5 fwy)
Dripping KITTY💦Head Dr is here💋huge booty👍😜 dream girl👅👏 - 21
(Bellflower, lb,Compton, paramount, bellflower, Norwa, Long Beach)
♥ Every man’s Fantasy ♥ 2 College Hotties ♥ - 21
(City of Long Beach, Downtown, LBC whitier san perdo, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
🔥⚠🔥CAUTION🔥⚠🔥Something this 🍭SWEET 🍭XXXtremely addictive - 24
(Long Beach, longbeach,Downey,bellflower, Cerritos)