Mon 13 Jan
► AMAZ!NG SK!LLS. o * o .F!L!P!NA + LAT!NA. o * o .EXOTiC BOMBSHELL. o * o $1OO.OO.SPEC!AL - 20
$8O S U P € R __ HOT 🔥 P€TIT€_____ L A T I N A ✈️Just Visiting - 23
💋💖ALL NEW Sexy GirLs Looking 2 Play ◼️👉👉HERE 4 YOU❗️❗️❗️B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ §lip N §lide Fun.💕💕💜 - 19
(Cerritos, Long Beach, Westminster - Stanton - Cypress)
Sun 12 Jan
^_^ ASIAN BOMBSHELL ^_^ 8(o) SpEcIals *_*_* NoRwAlK / Downey /605 fwy *_*_* (6)0 SpecIals *_*_*_*_* - 19
(Long Beach, norwalk/downey/605 fwy/cerritos)
*° A v A i L a B l E °* *° R i G h T °**° N o W ° SOFi - 35
(Long Beach, Downey 105 605)
$60 Tasty Morning ADDICTION (( JUIC¥ BoOt¥ CUBAN )) «:: $60 " Exotic Temptation Awaits" $60 Fun Zone - 23
(Long Beach, Downey South Gate Bell 710/105)
————— ▀▀▀▀▀★▀▀ ▀▀★▀▀▀▀▀ —— AMAZING HEALING —— ▀▀▀▀▀★▀▀ ▀▀★▀▀▀▀▀ - 24
(Long Beach, Anaheim/Yorba Linda/Irvine)
ADAMARYS :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦: .. ADA - 28
(LAKEWOOD__________IMPERIAL ______105 FWY)
8OHH 🌞Rise & Shine ⏰ Early Bird🐥Get's the 🐛 worm ❌ The Fantasy Ride💦👅 😉👑 1oo% King Treatment - 20
(Downey, Long Beach, 🌹605fwy) WHITTIER INCALL/Pico R./Downey)
$60 Smash ║ ║█ ─║ █║ ║█║_░JUICy biG B00Ty ░ ─║ █║║ ║_★ ★ ★ « Your Morning Creep █║ $60 Smash - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK/DOWNEY 5/605 fwy Incall Only)
(My place, Torrance Hawthorne bl, my bed)
$$ 60 SpECiAl ~~ Ba.Ng This ~~~ BuBBLE BuTT ~ nAuGHty CuBaN ~ $$$ 60 InCaLL SPecial - 22
100 SPECiAL ** [[STUNNiNG]] ★ [[LATiNA]] ★ [[PETiTE PLAYMATE ]] NEW PiCS - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
$80🌟••➤I'M BACK👄UR #1 🔝 👅 •••➤5 ⭐️SkiLLs🔝Rated!🔥 💨ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ✔ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ ✔ ⚠ 👅🔔💋ρυRε 🔝 NoTch 👅$80 - 21
(Downey, Downey : 105/605 fwy, Long Beach)
only $100 2 play.❤️.Si hablo esponol the .❤️.Mexican American freaky .❤️👄.❤️ - 20
(Long Beach, Pioneer Blvd., Artesia Boulevard 91 HWY)
((PAKiSTaNi GiRL ......INDiaN MiX)) (CLiCK HeRe) *SuBMiSSiVe* TReaT [[RaRE]] - 22
♥ —————— • PERFECT10 • ————— ♥ ♥ ————— • ( 1OO % REAL ) • ————— ♥SPECIALS! - 23
(Long Beach, ARTESIA 91FWY *visiting*)
LeTs MaKe It HoT _SPECIALS_ * HuGe ASS.. NiCe TiTs.. ThIcK SeXy LeGs... PReTty PINK - 22
(Cerrtios -- Artesia -- Downy)
` ______ MmMmMmMm... `S o Y u m m y!! ____ *6o Specials!! ___ `H o t Brunette ____ ```` - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia/ Cerritos/ Norwalk/ Lakewood)
I'am a SEXY and DARING you lake to have a naice time with me*** LINDA** - 25
☆° ❤ HoT INDEPENDENT ChiCk ☆° ❤ SeXY ❤ (60) SPECIAL TONITE !!!!!!!! - 23
(Long Beach, Carson Gardena San Pedro Torrance)
Sat 11 Jan
$80 SPeCiALS.. aLL NiGHT LONG !!!!!DoN't MiSs OuT!! 100% Me.. NaTiVe AmeRiCaN BarBiE! - 19
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)))
♥ Bombshell Blonde Barbie * 100% Real Pics! * 5ft9-36B-24-36 ♥ - 20
(Norwalk/Downey near 5/605/105 freeways)
(N(E(W° ※ ● 6@ SpEcIaLs @LLdAY ● ※ ° HeARt * StOpPeR ® AVALI. NOW!! - 22
(91/605fwy(pioneer exit) $60 specials)
★★Monica 60$$$ 60$$$ ★★VERY very Busty Latina ven te espero !!! 91 fwy exit pioneer - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit Pioneer)
car visits only.....Bubble Butt petite bombshell...Specials😝😍😘🤑🤑 - 22
(City of Long Beach, Compton Carson Gardena bellflower, Long Beach)
60 ADULT SECRET ♥___{{ TaStY CUBAN SWEETHEART }} ::: {{ $60 }} ::: { 1o0% ReAl PiCtUrEs }___♥ $60 - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk Cerritos ( 91 fwy ))
100 Specials Exotic ArMeNiAn TreAT (*KiLLeR CuRvEy SoFt BoDy*)Bo0Ty L♥vErS #1 PiCK - 21
(Long Beach, 91 Fwy Carson Torrance)
ALY & JENNY $$ 50 special for a cold Tuesday $$ 70 for both - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy firestone rosecrans norwalk downey)
80 SPECiAL *DON'T* _ _ _ _ * MiSS* _ _ _ _ *YOUR*_ _ _ _ *CHANCE* _ _ _ _*PETiTE*_ _ _ _ *LATiNA* - 21
(Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos)
💯⏳💎2 GIRL Specials 👑💄⌚💎New In Town, Never BEFORE SEEN Catch US While You Can💸👠⌚💗🎀 Outcall/Incall AVA - 20
(Long Beach, norwalk, downey, cerritos, surroundings)
🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲💥╠╣OT Latina&Asian; ╠╣OT💥CLICK HEAR🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 - 23
(Carson, Long Beach, 🎯🎯🎯Torrance/Gardena/Long Beach)
NeW o°*o°G O R G E O U S ☆ BLONDE☆ *o° ☆ *o In TOWN special $80 - 20
(91 fwy/ 605 fwy/ cerritos!)
New Location 2 girls 100$$ Ven pApi 323-984-1797 Bonita Latina SELENA 60$$ ... Roscrans / 5fwy
(Long Beach, Downey Norwalk 5fwy Roscrans)
ღ╮NEW Pics╭ღ╯ 【LeT's】▬【MAkE╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯🚺 【YoUR】▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎❎❎▬【REALITY】 - 19
(Long Beach, 91 fwy/long beach/norwalk/lakewood/downe)
Heavenly- Feeling- Unforgettable -Magic -Touch With Charming Asian girls! - 20
(Long Beach, Downey,Long Beach)
Eliz in town come taste me squeeze me love me 😙😙😙 - 21
(Artesia,Cerritos,downey, Cerritos, Long Beach)
[* CLiCk Me *] ExoTiC & LuSciOus AsiAn MiXed BeauTY * 100% REAL * 60 SPECiALS * - 22
(Long Beach, FWY91&PIONEER;)
$60 Real Pleasure •KILLER Body{{ Sexi CUBAN DoLL }} Big Juicy BOOTY!! $60 Spectacular - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
New! $100 Special***BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE 🅾🅾 Stand Out Booty! Sexy & Hot *5 Star PLAYMATE - - 23
(91- 710 -105 fwy Upscale Incall, Long Beach)
_♥_♡_♥_ NEW iNt0WN _♥_♡_♥_ SEXY S0UtHERN _♥_♡_♥_ READY F0R S0ME FUN _♥_♡_♥_ - 20
(Long Beach, Wherever you want me :) 0UTCALLS)
★☆★☆NEW NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRL﹋Special today﹋Super Sexy﹋Available Now ★☆★☆ - 23
(Long Beach, bellflower)
💦🍯🍨💞💯🗼New To Town Exotic Mixed BBW With Uncomparable Skills Call Now Outcalls Only🗼💯💞🍨🍯💦 - 21
(Long Beach, Outcalls only)
e-_X-_o-_T-_i-_C-_- aNd -_-s-_E-_-x-_Y- EtHioPian aNd ITaliaN pLaYmAtE 70/100/160💦💦 💦sPeCiaLs - 21
(Long Beach, Whittier, Montebello, Pico Rivera, 605)
★ ★ EVERY ★ ★ MANS ★ ★ FANTASY ★★ - 20
(Long Beach, cerritos,long beach,Norwalk,Artesia,Lax)
!* EVERYTh!NG * _____ [ YOU*VE ] _____ ~ WANTEd ~ _____ + & + _____ M 0 R E!! _____!! - - 21
[[ *DANGEROUSLY *]]__[[* NASTY &FREAKY;*]] __ [[*READY TO PLAY *]] __ [[* # 1 PICK* SPECIAL]] - 21
(South Bay /harbor area)
*(( AmAziNg SkiLLs *)) EvErYtHinG YoU WaNt I HaVe AnD MuCh MorE [[×CoMe See For UrSeLf! ((+$$60$$+)) - 21
¥oung Thai IS BACK!!!(๏人 ๏)_ Y0UNG NAK1D THAI Cutie ⏠ KINKY FBSM 💋 §lip N §lide Fun 💋 - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens / Whittier)
**New**SeNSuAl SeduCTIoN WiTh No InTeRUpTioN!! Super Sexy ((bootylovers)) $60 specials - 23
(Long Beach, 91 fwy, artesia)
.MUy RiCa HOTTIE VoLUpTiOuS ... SeNsUaL BuStY PrEtTy - 25
💓LOOK💓Don't Miss Out [LAST NIGHT IN TOWN] 100% Real & Ready Specials Call Now 💋😘sexy LATINA - 22
(405 freeway Lawndale Torrance redondo be, Bellflower, Long Beach)
👄💄 M_O_D_E_L ⭐️ T_Y_P_E 💄👄 Your ATF BloNDE 👸 Better Than the Rest 🔥🔥💯 - 19
(Long Beach, Carson Torrance Gardena Harbor City)
☆° ° Let me be your Bad Lil Girl! Busty Hot BuBBle BuTT Cutie ☆° ° $8O Outcall Special - 22
(Long Beach, OUTCALL ONLY/Downey,Bellflower,Lbc& Near)
ATTENTION●□●♥ Come let me ShoW u How a GooD I am_> ASK 4 SpEciAlS (** 60**) - 22
(Long Beach, 91 freeway pioneer/cerritos/long beach)
hot mature lady for open mind w a kinky imagination 714 574 5598 SAMANTHA - 39
(Long Beach, Orange County, Santa Ana, tustin,irvine,costa meza ,santa ana)
Fri 10 Jan
80 SPECiAL ×°x°× CLiCK HERE! ×°x°× PETiTE ×°x°× SEXY ×°x°× LATiNA ×°x°× - 21
(Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos)
ALL GUYS ,,GRAND OPENING - 5 ★ FIVE STARS DAY SPA, just latinn staff .u can choose . gardena - 21
★♡♥♡629bb★x Nirvana - Massge paradise - Com3 ||New faces every weekx-Com3 AnyTim3629bb★♡♥♡★ - 21
(4296 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos 90720, City of Long Beach, Fullerton, Long Beach, Orange County)
$60 Slide EM Off Special • Slim Waist Juicy Booty Treat • 60 Side Em Off IN::OUTCALL Special - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK/DOWNEY 5/605 fwy IN::OUT)
$80 SPeCiALs.. aLL DaY & NiGhT!! DoN't MiSs OuT!! 100% Me.. SpAniSh BeAuTy.. - 22
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
**Mature Sexy Housewife** great special! **60** !! I dont rush!! - 40
"Mia" INDEPENDENT / Sweet CLASSY - PiCs ACCurate & CURRent 100% REAL INcall ONLY disneyland - 28
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Irvine, Long Beach, orange anaheim disneyland irvine, Orange County)
👠💄💋Don't Make Me Wait Much Longer $60 Special 🔥Linda Leone🔥(714 )829-0059. - 30
(5 Fwy/Firestone ave/Norwalk., City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)